Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hello to all!

It was great meeting many of you this week as we held our "orientation sessions" in Rochester and Minneapolis. Many of you also met each other for the first time. Although we'll be spending three weeks together, it's never too early to start to get to know each other.

As soon as you have your "blog" created, why don't you post a comment here with your blog address. I will compile them into a single post to this blog and you can start checking each other out! Make a simple first post to the blog introducing yourself - your major, your background, interests, etc. and telling us why you signed up for this trip.

I look forward to learning more about all of you. Have a happy thanksgiving week.


Harvey said...

Hi Rajiv, here is my blog address. http://hmindia2008.blogspot.com/

Drew said...

Hello Rajiv!

Here is the link to my blog:

See you soon--

Felix said...
