Wednesday, December 12, 2007

From Minneapolis to Bangalore with Target

I know many of you are apprehensive about your 3-weeks in India, wondering what the experience will be like for someone who has lived in Minnesota for most of your lives.

Well, you can experience it vicariously by following the incredibly well-written blog of a Minnesota family who moved to Bangalore. Bob Fischer (who grew up in Duluth) works for Target and was sent to India for a few years. They have been there a few months (the entire family moved - with young children!)

You must read this entertaining blog to get an idea of what you may encounter:


UrbDog said...

Cool blog. The description of Indian 'fluid time' vis a vis the washing-machine repairmen was telling and reminds me of Rajiv's story of Indian construction workers...
The writer states: "I can not tell you the number of people who have explained to me that "children are God," " i wonder if people truly believe this in India and how this belief meshes with the fact that half of India's children are malnourished.
What is Target doing in India? Can we meet these people when we are in Bangalore?

Rajiv said...

Thanks for posting. I think you may find some insights into the "contradictions" on Indian children in the "Being Indian" book. I think people DO believe this, but poverty is one of those things that is seen as a "fact of life" and we cannot do everything for everyone. People really value and cherish kids *they encounter* in their social networks. That's also why kids are often sent out begging - it is more effective to claim that you are begging to feed the child. You'll see plenty of this when you are there.

Target has a massive back office function in India. They are also thinking of building a large campus in Mysore. I have been in touch with them and there really isn't much to see at the moment. They have about 1500 employees there.

"holiday in Spain" said...

Hello Rajiv,
I picked up my visa today! It's so exciting.

See you soon and Merry Christmas,

MaLeah Mortenson

Dan said...

Hey Rajiv,
Your blog is great. Anyways, I am really looking forward to the trip and getting to know you better.

Here is a link to my blog:

Let me know if you have any questions or comments on it. Again, I look forward to getting to know you better. Happy holidays!

jwindia2008 said...

Hi Rajiv,

I was playing with my blog and tried to customize the setting. I still couldn't get a picture in a way I want it. Maybe you could help me sometimes.

Say, is there anything else we have to do for the blogs prior to our departure? Thanks and happy holidays!